Dataset / neuroblastoma

These tumors seem to be really big. Are you sure the labels are correct?

Neuroblastoma can vary greatly in tumor volume, in which large untreated tumor volumes are not uncommon.  The tumor volumes in this dataset range from 1 mL to >1000 mL (before treatment).

Why is a sudden intensity transition present in some of the T1 weighted scans?

This is a result of the scanning protocol, in which two field of views were stitched together. 


How can I submit my algorithm? 

The template for the submission can be found on our Github page . Please also look at the documentation provided by Grand Challenge. Please note that the standard algorithm template provided in evalutils will not work on our challenge, due to the modality of our challenge. More information about that can be found here.

How many shots do I have at the final leaderboard?

You have one attempt to submit your best solution to the final leaderboard. Please use the preliminary test phase to find the best solution.

I cannot see my score on the leaderboard.

First, check which phase you submitted to. If you submitted to the Preliminary Test Phase, your score becomes visible after a check by the organisers. If your submission was to the Final Test Phase: you will not receive the score of this phase until the challenge session on the 10th of October.