MICCAI 2023: This challenge is part of MICCAI 2023. We will host a challenge session as part of this conference. Date and time are to be announced. All teams who participated in the final evaluation phase and sent in a short (0.5 page) communication about the used method and data are encouraged to present their solutions in this session. The full SPPIN proposal can be found here. The SPPIN Github page can be found here.

Data availability: The link to the data will be sent after sign-up on the SPPIN challenge website and approval of the signed data agreement (SPPIN data agreement). Please note that it is not allowed to share data outside of your challenge team.

We encourage participating teams to use publicly available datasets and multi-sequential solutions to create the best solution for this challenging problem. 

Evaluation: Evaluation will follow the grand-challenge standards. Dockers will be used for automated evaluation of the proposed solutions. Two test phases will be present: the preliminary test phase and the final test phase. Each team is allowed 1 submission in the final test phase for the final leaderboard.

The evaluation parameters are  Dice Similarity Coefficient, 95th percentile of the Hausdorff distance and Volumetric similarity (for more information about the ranking, please refer to the challenge proposal).  Please note that an empty segmentations will be penalised with a factor (number of segmentations - number of empty segmentations) / ( number of scans) . The Hausdorff distance will be divided by this factor to make fair comparison. If a tie in the ranking occurs, the Dice score is the tie-breaker.  

Please note that teams are only eligible for the final ranking if they presented at the SPPIN2023 session!